The Grail Administration

An institution in the mountains of the Tyrol

Driving on the Tyrolean Inntal motor­way between Kufstein and Innsbruck, one finds the exits for Schwaz and Vomp about halfway along this stretch. Both exits lead to Vomp. At the Vomp village square there is a sign­post to Vomper­berg. The road leads up the mountain, into the forest and there towards a fork in the road. A sign “Grals-Siedlung” (Grail Settlement) indicates that one should turn right and continue up the road in an easterly direction. At the top, on a high plateau the forest ends and one sees an agri­cultural area with a few farm­houses.

Further on, the road leads to “Alpen­gasthaus Weberhof” (Alpine Restaurant Weberhof) and the adjoining guest­houses. The Alpen­gasthaus Weberhof as well as the guest­houses are part of the Grail Settle­ment and belong to the same property as does the Grail Administration. After the Alpen­gasthaus Weberhof the road leads to an inter­section. There, on the left are two buildings – partially used for agri­culture. On the half-right, there is a small house and behind it there is a long hall with a bell tower. This hall is the hall for Hours of Worship and Festivals for those who profess the Grail Message. This building is main­tained by the Grail Administration.

Turning left from the afore­mentioned inter­section, the road leads up a hill. There, on the left, the tomb of Abd-ru-shin rises in the form of a pyramid. On the right, there is a residence. Immediately after this residence, on the right, is the entrance to the actual Grail Settle­ment. The largest building – on the left immediately after the entry – bears the words “Allezeit Gerechtigkeit” (Justice at all times) above the entrance door. This building forms the centre of the settle­ment and it is the seat of the Grail Administration Vomper­berg as well as of the Verlag Alexander Bernhardt (Alexander Bernhardt Publishing Company). The office and sales rooms are accessible to the public and on weekdays are open during normal office hours. On weekends and public holidays the office hours are limited to a few hours.

The Grail Administration and the Verlag Alexander Bernhardt are under the same manage­ment and share the premises. Here, there is a sales point for the work “In the Light of Truth – the Grail Message” by Abd-ru-shin as well as for books connected with this work.

Adjacent to the Grail Administration building are residences as well as buildings used for business purposes and garages. Some of these buildings were built in the 1930s. With loving care, they have been and are adapted to today’s construction methods and purposes of use.

The number of residents of the Grail Settlement is currently 41 people. All age groups from children to pensioners are represented. The employees of the Grail Administration live on the Grail Settlement.